

I’m a science journalist and communicator with over 17 years of experience working across Europe, Latin America, and the U.S., specializing in making complex scientific and technical topics accessible to both general and expert audiences. I work with English, Spanish, French and Italian markets about biology, health, basic research, #OpenScience, science policy, science in Latin America and Europe, COVID-19, and #ClimateChange. Currently based in Italy.

Briefly, this is what I do:

  • Science journalism: writing pieces on scientific issues for printed and digital media in English/Spanish. I am currently the editor of the science magazine “Divulgación Científica” of the Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá (here are the English and Spanish pdf versions of 2021). I collaborate with Medscape en Español, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and I am part of the communication experts of the Science Media Hub of the European Parliament.
  • Create science communication materials (for web, video, audio, and printed formats), and organise outreach activities such as science cafes, seminars, talks, workshops, etc. I currently collaborate with Chaperone, the IAI, and Latinoamérica 21, organising writing and science communication workshops.
  • Tailored communication strategies to target both the general public and specialised audiences. To name a few, I’ve  worked on the Impact / ‘Communication and Dissemination activities‘ sections for Horizon 2020 projects by creating, implementing, and reporting (mid-term and final reports, too) a communication strategy for the projects 4DHeart, ScienceSquared, CommHERE, and EuroStemcell.

My work in science communication is to help scientists to communicate their research to lay and specialized audiences. I propose a clear and straightforward way of showing and sharing the results and the science behind the studies. I help identify the key aspects to be told, create and develop a story around the subject, and measure its impact.

To do this, I work closely with scientists, press offices, marketing and communication managers, IT teams, journalists and media producers, agencies, designers, and programmers, to carry out the production and editorial phases of the projects.

Here are some examples of my work:

Outreach activities (science cafes, webinars, online conferences)

Conference: “Una apropiada divulgación científica para científicos“. Jointly developed by the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) – 22nd September 2022.

Conference: “Desafíos y soluciones para una apropiada divulgación científica“. Jointly developed by the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and Latinoamérica 21 – 9th November 2021

Webinar:Manuscript Writing and Publication” for researchers from Portuguese-speaking African countries. Organised by Chaperone and sponsored by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.  2022, 2023, 2024 editions

Conference: “Vela Oceànica i Ciencia: un binomio win-win” Ciclo de Conversaciones Oceánicas de la Fundació per la Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB) y el Museu Marítim de Barcelona (video) – 21 January 2021

Webinar: “What does being a science communicator mean?” with the Spanish Scientists in Belgium (CEBE). June 3rd, 2020

Video:Ciencia en Belgica Cap 2: Virólogos” (with english subtitles). With Joan Martí Carreras, a PhD student in virology at the REGA Institute of KU Leuven with Dr. Piet Maes.

Video: Ciencia en Bélgica: ciencia, innovación y tecnología hechas Bélgica en español para todo el mundo” (with english subtitles). This series is about science, innovation, and technology made Belgium in Spanish for the whole world. Follow #SPreadScience in Twitter

Live conference: El coronavirus está aquí, ¿y ahora, qué? – With physician and microbiologist Emmanuel André from KULeuven at the Instituto Cervantes in Brussels. POSTPONED! MARCH 11th in Brussels

Live conference: Bioética. ¿Acortar la vida o acortar la muerte? – With Jacqueline Herremans, president of the “Association pour le droit de mourir dans la dignité”; doctor Marc Desmet, member of the Jesuit order & Marie Nagy, member of the parliament & co-author of the law of euthanasia in 2003. At the Instituto Cervantes in Brussels. POSTPONED! MARCH 11th in Brussels

Other previous events with the Communications team at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG):

Please feel free to contact me if you need a journalistic piece, a science communication strategy or to moderate an event (either in Spanish or English).

Examples of Press Releases and scicomm examples from institutions:

Examples of interaction Art-Science:

  • Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica (AEC2)
  • World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ),
  • Science Writers in Milan (SWIM)

In Spanish: If you are looking for truthful information about COVID-19 in Colombia and LatAm, in March 2020 I created this compilation of reputable sources for the subject. Please spread the word! https://medium.com/@juansarasua/covid19fuentescolombia-c5d0c2c0d2cd 

En Español: si está buscando información veraz sobre el COVID-19 en Colombia y LatAm, en Marzo 2020 creé esta recopilación de fuentes acreditadas para el tema, por favor difunda! https://medium.com/@juansarasua/covid19fuentescolombia-c5d0c2c0d2cd  

I’ve worked with:

(In the roles of press officer, science communicator and responsible for outreach activities, project manager, editor, journalist and translator)

Embajada de España Spain Arts & Culture





And collaborated with:
EMC-logo               logoEUCommission

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft         embl-logo        Logo_Inserm

Please see more detailed examples of my work and education in my Linkedin profile. 

Follow JuanSarasua